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Information note
  • Qlik Replicate must be installed on any Windows computer in your network.

  • An Netezza Performance Server (NPS) account with the required access privileges is required. See Permissions.

Prerequisites for replicating to Netezza Performance Server (NPS) on premises

Make sure the following prerequisites have been met:

  • Netezza Performance Server (NPS) ODBC 64-bit client installed on the Qlik Replicate machine.
  • Netezza Performance Server (NPS) Tools or later installed on the Qlik Replicate machine. Make sure that the Windows PATH environment variable includes the bin folder of Netezza Performance Server (NPS) Tools (<Installation directory>\bin).

Prerequisites for replicating to Netezza Performance Server (NPS) Performance Server

Make sure the following prerequisites have been met:

  • Netezza Performance Server (NPS) ODBC 64-bit client or later installed on the Qlik Replicate machine.
  • IBM nps-winclient-v11 ( or later installed on the Qlik Replicate machine. Make sure that the Windows PATH environment variable includes the bin folder of nps-winclient (<installation directory>\bin).

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